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  • Writer's pictureAngela Belcher

6 Things You Can Do To Achieve Wellness!

Does it seem like every culture, country, region, and religion has a different view of what exactly a healthy lifestyle is? A quick look online certainly doesn’t offer much reassurance because there are almost as many modalities as diseases! Here are six ways to get healthier in different areas of your life:


An excellent guide for proper nutrition can be found in Eat Right 4 Your Type by Peter D’Adamo. In his book, Dr. D’Adamo (a practicing naturopathic physician) outlines which foods to avoid and which foods to seek out for best results based on your blood type. Regardless of which food plan the book indicates, junk foods should be eliminated or drastically reduced; this includes carbonated beverages, artificial sweeteners and added sugar, processed foods of all kinds, genetically modified foods, and added salt.


Essentially, any exercise that fluidly moves the body is beneficial; however, “yoga is the most popular complementary health approach practiced by adults in the United States… Yoga combines physical postures, rhythmic breathing, and meditative exercise to offer the practitioners a unique holistic mind-body experience” (Gothe, 2019, para. 1). No matter which end of the physical health spectrum you are on, you can probably benefit from yoga!


Did you know the chemical manufacturing industry has introduced over 80,000 new chemicals in the last 50 years? Furthermore, “The burden of proof for existing chemicals and many new ones… rests with public authorities and scientists who must prove something is harmful after it has been released [to the public]. Our system puts the focus on which risks are acceptable rather than which are necessary and unavoidable.” (McGinn, A.P. para. 3). Switching to cleaning products and personal care products that contain only natural ingredients is better for the environment and a healthier alternative overall.

Mental and Emotional Health

It is nearly impossible to separate mental health from emotional health; they are so interrelated that little or no distinct line divides them. In some cases, medication is needed while the patient seeks behavior modification modalities or counseling. In many cases, the best way to combat mental and emotional issues is to utilize stress relief. J.J. Sanchez-Sosa (2002) wrote, “human behavior has the peculiarity of being a component of nearly all human problems… it can also be part of their solution. [It] includes... attitudes, emotional reactions, cognitions… everything we do and say” (section 4.5). Essentially, we get ourselves and each other into messes! The good news is this: there is hope in the future. Most importantly, if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, call the suicide hotline at 800-273-8255 or text GO to 741741.

Spiritual Health

In 2018, Luciano Vitorino conducted a study that showed individuals with high levels of spirituality and religiousness were more connected to better psychological outcomes, social relationships, optimism, and happiness than those who had either spirituality or religiousness alone or neither. He explains religiousness and spirituality help a person deal with stressful situations such as fear, anguish, sadness, fury, and anger. Those who practice spirituality and religiousness also have a better quality of life and fewer occurrences of mental health impairment (Vitorino, 2018). As human beings, we function better when we have similar community spirit and collective goals.


Hate is bred by the hater believing they are a victim; they then spread the hate by creating their own victim(s). It’s a perpetual cycle that will not end until we stop the spread as a human race. The Twin Towers is an excellent reference: the towers were destroyed because of hate, but most Americans did not return the hate. We stood shoulder to shoulder and supported each other, crying and helping, grieving and giving. And, we prevailed as a people and as a community (Beck, 2002).

A person is made up of their body, mind, and spirit. When one part suffers, it will undoubtedly affect the other parts. Although we can separate body, mind, and spirit for treatment and maintenance, they are intricately entwined and dependent upon each other. The solution isn’t easy, but it can be simple. Improving overall health can be as uncomplicated as an Arthur Ashe quote: “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. This article has not been reviewed by the FDA. Always consult with your primary care physician or naturopathic doctor before making any significant changes to your health and wellness routine. All photos used by license


Beck, A. (2002). Prisoners of hate. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40(3), 209-216.

D’Adamo, P. (1996). Eat right 4 your type. Putnam.

Gothe, N.P., et. al. (2019). Yoga effects on brain health: a systematic review of the current

literature. Brain Plasticity. 5(1):105-122. doi: 10.3233/BPL-190084

McGinn, A. P. (2002). Reducing our toxic burden. State of the World, 75-100.

Sanchez-Sosa, J.J. (2002). Health psychology: prevention of disease and illness maintenance

of health. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems.


Vitorino, L.M. et al. (2018). The association between spirituality and religiousness and mental

health. Sci Rep, 8 (17233)

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I'm Angela, and my mission is to help you live your best life! Did you know the human body wants to heal itself? Did you know most diseases and illnesses are caused by the lifestyles we have chosen?

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