The Happy Wellness Room
Social Wellness
Kasley Killam (2023) defines social health as “the aspect of overall well-being that stems from connection and community. It’s about having close bonds with family and friends, enjoying a sense of belonging to groups, and feeling supported, valued, and loved”. In the absence of belonging and value, our social and overall wellness are reduced. People who are isolated and/or lonely are also at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and all-cause mortality (Hodgson, et al., 2020, para. 2). Hodgson et al reports loneliness and isolation as two separate conditions, but describes how they are interdependent and often appear together. This is especially prominent in the older population who often live alone and have limited mobility to socialize. The writers also stated that loneliness caused chronic stress on the body resulting in inflammation, poor sleeping ability, and cognitive decline (Physiological factors).
We were taught how to treat people by the way we were treated, and by observing how those around us treat people. As we aged, we used our experiences to develop our own values which dictate how we treat others. Because each of us prioritize our values differently, different people value different things more than others; this can cause conflict in social interactions, especially with close friends and family. This can be compounded by poor communication skills. Poor communication skills affect every aspect of social wellness and it magnifies stress (Seaward, 2021, p. 197). Since it is imperative that we feel connected (p. 209), anything that creates separation can cause stress within our social wellness. The risk increases when we feel alienated by those closest to us because we’re more vulnerable overall to those people.
In the absence of love and belonging, there is always suffering.
Brene Brown
Don’t walk through the world looking for evidence you don’t belong, or you’re not enough, because you will always find it.
Brene Brown
Our worth and our belonging are not negotiated with other people.
Brene Brown
Brene Brown's "BRAVING" Speech notes:
B. Boundaries: be clear on what is okay and not okay, both for yourself and your companions.
R. Reliability: Do what you say, and say what you do.
A. Accountability: Don’t backchannel and blame, hold people accountable straightforwardly.
V. Vault: Confidentiality, don’t share information that isn’t yours to share.
I. Integrity: Choosing courage over comfort, practicing values. Choosing what’s right over what’s fun, fast, and easy. “I’ve never achieved a single thing in my career or life comfortably.”
N. Nonjudgment: Asking for help without feeling judged, and asking for help without judging myself.
G. Generosity: Assume positive intent, don’t assume someone has ill intent before reacting.